Where (not) to publish my results? The case of predatory Journals

PhD Program in Veterinary and Animal Sciences Friday May 20th, hr 14:30 room L05
Where (not) to publish my results? The case of predatory Journals Dr. Paola Galimberti Direzione Performance, Assicurazione Qualità, Valutazione e Politiche di Open Science Università degli Studi di Milano
Predatory publishing takes unfair and opportunistic advantage of the emphasis placed by institutions and research funding bodies on openness. Publishing with a predatory publisher can have unpleasant consequences for a young researcher. The seminar aims to give a definition of predatory publishing and provide the tools to identify it. We will learn to recognize a predatory publisher and also predatory traits using examples drawn from a clearly predatory publisher and from a questionable publisher.
Link available: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetupjoin/19%3awnXoq5nugK70ngeazB81IJxP1c0Ns96tWY1GTCyAwRA1%40thread.tacv2/1651051245350?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2213b55eef-7018- 4674-a3d7-cc0db06d545c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22feab6a9b-7a9b-41cc-b13f-26bc241b951d%22%7d